Join the Inspiration and Enlightenment Workshop

Stefan Emunds Profile Pic Square

Hello and welcome to the membership section of my Inspiration & Enlightenment Workshop.

We are entering the Aquarian Age and life on Planet Earth will soon become more humane, friendly, and inspiring. The change is inevitable and signs are flashing everywhere, but why not trying to catalyze this transition?

I created a workshop because I want this thing to be practical, cult-free, simple, and useful to our modern, fast-paste society.

What will happen if you join? We will send you four short introduction emails that explain what the Inspiration And Enlightenment Workshop is all about. In addition, you will also have (free) access to:

  • The video course on holistic self-realization
  • Inspirational flash fiction
  • Email mini courses on enlightenment subjects
  • A collection of my favorite enlightenment gems
  • Enlightenment vemes
  • Enlightenment resources
  • Visionary fiction art

I am working on a free one-year practical enlightenment course that will come out sometime in April.

This website is also the place where I sell my books. You don’t need to buy anything to become a member. The book section and workshop sections are strictly separated.

I’m not sure yet where I’m going with this, but if you want to be more than a member, drop me an email.

To join, simply register:

[ultimatemember form_id=3591]