The Seven Stages of Enlightenment

The seven stages of enlightenment are:

  • Common sense
  • Awakening
  • Revelation
  • The great work
  • Illumination
  • Transfiguration
  • Cosmic consciousness

Seven Stages Enlightenment


This classification is ancient. The last seven major arcana of Tarot illustrate these seven stages: The Devil, The Tower, The Star, The Moon, The Sun, Judgement, and The World.

Common Sense

Until we pursue enlightenment, karma pursues it for us. In its natural state, the avatar unfolds through experiences and emotional exposure.

Common sense takes life at face value, in particular, adversity. But things are not what they seem. For example, we are not natural-born sinners, we are immortal souls having planetary experiences.

Enlightenment truths are often the opposite of common sense. Reversals are inspiring. Here is one: Adversity is a blessing in disguise, a particular dealing of the universe with the soul.


Initiations or mystical visions can trigger awakening. The avatar and soul awaken to the fact that there are other realities and higher and unknown aspects of self. In my case, I was told/initiated.

Usually, mystical visions are accompanied by a sudden and brief and lucid vision of the unity of life. If the vision is powerful enough, it gives rise to the certainty that our common sense consciousness is unreal and that we dream our incarnation.

Inspirations can induce awakenings too, for example, the idea that we are immortal souls, that the world was ideated, and that we can re-ideate it.

Enlightenment destroys common sense, but destroying common sense doesn’t necessarily trigger enlightenment.

The Revelation Phase

Once awakened, the soul and avatar open up to what is above – the higher self and esprit. Esprit, once touched, reconfigures personality through revelations (continuous awakenings).

All enlightenment results from a growing ability to intercept influences from higher planes. – Ann Davies

The avatar develops a sense of the higher self’s love and becomes a beloved. The corresponding religious experience is the realization that God cares and that God loves us. This allows us to distinguish between the higher self’s influence (from above) and the pull of common sense (from below).

Over time (decades), the vague touchings of the higher self become clearer. Most revelations pertain to the soul and higher self, not yet other realities. It is safer to realize the higher self first before venturing into other worlds.

The souls and avatar care less about experiences and more about how consciousness works. They also get creative. Creativity implies conveying soul values: love, beauty, happiness, and purpose.

When you get to a certain point you’re living for a creative purpose, not for any specific result. – Ann Davies

Revelation is a phase of solve et coagule. We clean up subconsciousness through recapitulation and build a new body of thought aligned it with ageless wisdom  – what would wisdom think? Revelation also renovates our body of feeling – what would love do?

When we reach a critical mass of personality re-configuration, personality protects itself from common sense:

Knowledge, consciously acquired, builds automatic discrimination into subconsciousness so that it rejects error, rejects the irrelevant, rejects distortions. Only the prepared, cultivated subconsciousness automatically selects wisdom during meditation. – Ann Davis

The Great Work

The great work begins with the discovery of the first matter. The first matter is the substance of the mind – consciousness. This requires an active third eye, inner eye, or single eye as Jesus called it.

The great work is exactly what it claims to be, a phase of work. It entails vibratory attunement, cognitive restructuring, recapitulation, purification of emotions, and refinement of mental and bodily energies.

For this phase, you need a personal teacher and/or be part of an enlightenment/spiritual organization. Modern enlightenment books lack the technicalities, classical enlightenment literature is contaminated with blinds. Don‘t worry, when your soul is ripe, a true teacher will find you. They can smell ripe souls from light-years away.

Usually, the great work takes ten to twenty years. Trust that it will test your patience to the breaking point. It is possible to do it in just a year if you put everything on the line, like the Buddha Boy.


The great work culminates in illumination. Illumination is the full realization of the higher self and cosmic mankind. Illumination turned Siddhartha Gautama into Buddha and Jesus Nazareth into Jesus Christ.

Upon illumination, a fusion takes place, the fusion of the soul, avatar, and higher self. This establishes the dominion of the higher self over personality and turns it into a medium able to mediate consciously between the above (higher self) and below (external world).

The presence of the higher self is like an elixir that spreads through the body-mind-soul vehicle and regenerates it. This turns personality into a child again, but on a higher and secure level – the child of the higher self.

The Light of Union, once touched, begins to multiply. It illumines the mind with wisdom, glorified desire with love, and lights up the body’s consciousness. Every cell becomes a little sun reflecting the Beauty of the Son. This is the final stage of the Great Work. – Ann Davies

The fusion produces an esprit reactor, an internal sun. From that moment on, personality will be self-illuminated. And it will emit (constantly) the four soul values, love, happiness, beauty, and purpose. The beloved turns into a lover.

This regeneration will significantly increase life expectancy, giving the soul more time to achieve transfiguration.

The identification with the higher self allows us to enjoy the full fruition of your long journey through seemingly separate lives and be able to make use of its recollection.


Transfiguration happened to Jesus on an unnamed mountain. Tradition has it that Buddha transfigured twice, at the moment of illumination, and at the moment of his death, but his first transfiguration was actually a regeneration.

Technically, transfiguration is the complete disassembly of personality into its components, a purification of these components (stripped of the sense of separation), and its reassembly into a new structure.

Transformation incinerates all errors – personal as well as race errors that made their way from the collective subconsciousness into the personal subconsciousness. This includes all errors and karmic seeds left over from past incarnations.

Transformation is a death and rebirth while incarnate. It turns a Homo sapiens into a Homo illuminatus. The new body-mind-soul vehicle can do cool things:

  1. It doesn’t age and needs neither food, water, or air
  2. It can be disassembled and reassembled at will
  3. It allows us to roam other (four-dimensional) realities
  4. It is a fortified vehicle that can survive visiting higher (spiritual) realms

In the Tibetan tradition, the new body is called rainbow body. Some corpses of enlightened men and women don’t putrefy but instead fade away and turn into colored lights.

Cosmic Consciousness 

In Buddhism, cosmic consciousness is known as nirvana. Cosmic consciousness is so aloof that enlightened men and women content themselves with describing it in negative terms. But it is the most positive state of mind one can possibly imagine.

This is my attempt at naming it: eternal cosmic self-consciousness.

Here are few allusions I came across:

  • Bliss absolute
  • The disappearance of all sense of separation.
  • Identification with the Cosmic Self that creates and maintains the universe and the realization that every single human being shares this identity.
  • Direct perception of the unity of life and the oneness of the universe
  • The universe becomes your body
  • The soul participates in cosmic administration, allowing the governing and directing power of the Cosmic Self to flows through it into manifestation
  • Effortlessness – the soul perceives the universe as a dance of life

#enlightenment#Seven stages of enlightenment#Stages of enlightenment


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