Mystic Tea by Rea Nolan

An Inspiration and Enlightenment Workshop Book Review

 Mystic Tea by Rea Nolan Martin is an unexpected story of six eccentric nuns and two novices, who live on a needy monastery that is not much more than a run-down farm. Quote: Two seamstresses, a TV junky, a hermit who creates magical teas and consecrates her own Eucharist, a sickly invalid, a psychotic runaway, a teenage ninja*, and a lame prioress.

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The Passion of Mary Magdalen by Elizabeth Cunningham

An Inspiration and Enlightenment Workshop Book Review

 Celtic spirituality, temple prostitution, and an enlightened view on Jesus’ life – the Passion of Mary Magdalen will take you for a fantastic, visionary ride. Fantastic indeed, the Passion of Mary Magdalen is bold, historical fantasy and requires an equally bold leap of faith.

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The Nazarene by Sholem Asch

An Inspiration and Enlightenment Workshop Book Review

The Nazarene is a historical novel about Jesus of Nazareth written by Sholem Asch, a Polish-Jewish novelist, dramatist, and essayist. Sholem wrote the novel in 1939, three years after he escaped Nazi prosecution by immigrating to the USA.

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