Karma – The Law of Action And Response

Karma is a bit of a sensitive subject since it can hurt and has a ring of punishment or divine revenge to it. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Karma means action, work, or deed. It is the law of action and determined response. Responses maintain the equilibrium of closed systems. The Newtonian universe is a closed system, and the law of thermodynamics balances it. Throw a stone and it will land on a spot according to the force you put into the throw.

Nature is another closed or balanced system. Grow an apple tree and you will get apples. Kick a dog and it will bite. On this level, karmic responses can get delayed. Kick one dog and another may bite you next month. On this level, we experience karma more like as you sow, so you will reap.

Social karma: Learn how to use social structures and you will rise the ranks. Act like a jerk and you will end up shunned. Get caught committing a crime and you will go to jail. In this case, karma is even less tangible and works more as what goes around, comes around. Mind that on the social level, we reap karma not only by what we do but also by what we say.

Karma is the universe’s undeviating and unerring tendency to restore equilibrium, and it operates incessantly. – Karma Aphorism

Karma is the sum total of natural laws. It is impersonal and unbiased and merciless. If you hit, you hit. If you miss by an inch, you miss. And if you don’t aim and shoot, you won’t hit anything. Last but not least, we also reap karma by that which we fail to do, which is especially true in business and relationships.

Success depends on how well we understand the many workings of karma. The thing is, we don’t just produce karma through action and words but also through thoughts, feelings, and emotions. The latter is where all the magic happens. That magic is known as the law of attraction.

Update: The Inspiration & Enlightenment Workshop was selected by Feedspot as one of the Top 100 Spiritual Blogs on the web.

#karma#law of attraction#Law of attraction and response#Law of thermodynamics

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